Of the Darkness and the Light,   site: godinyou.org

	In the beginning Darkness covered the deep
	And the earth was void and without form
	The Lord said, "Let there be Light"
	And the earth was filled with the Light of God

	What is the darkness and what is the Light?
	The Darkness is the lies, deceit, 
	And false imaginings in the world,
	Confusion throughout, which came to us by
	The tree of the knowledge of Good & Evil
	Light is Truth and the Knowledge of God
	Which came to us by the grace of God
	And through His son, Jesus Christ,
	The Love of God in us was revealed.
	God sits on the throne of your heart
	And says, "Let there be Light"
	Cast your crown apon His feet
	That you may know the Way,
	The Truth and the Life.
	The Kingdom of God.
	For soveriegn, you are
	Created in his image and
	likeness, you are.

	The choice is yours.