Know Thyself,   site:

		Of what do we fear?
		To know ones self
		Of what do we fear?
		To discover some part
		Something of not, yet is.
		Of what do we fear?

	To find some part
	Denied, dismissed as weakness
	Wherein is our strength?

	How many times denied and
	How many times dismissed?
	Forsaken, most precious part.

	How guiding yet easily dismissed
	How true yet quickly forsaken
	And in our weakness we denying.

	Something of not
	Because we know it not
	Nor do we understand.

	Something of not
	Because we choose it not
	Not knowing that we can.

	Discover, Know thyself
	Choose and be amazed

		Of what do we fear?
		To know ones self
		Of what do we fear?
		To discover some part
		Something of not, yet is.
		Of what do we fear?

	Denied, dismissed as weakness
	Forsaken, that truly most precious.
	The wonder of God within us
	His Love and most precious part.

	How guiding not dismissed
	How true and not forsaken
	In weakness we discover our strength.
	Is Love, His most precious part.

		Of what do we fear?
		To know ones self
		Of what do we fear?
		To discover some part
		Something of not, yet is.
		Of us, understanding, impart.

		By William Godinho